
Remote Commissioning of a Caster Process Optimization Solution (on demand)

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Agenda del evento

Commissioning a process optimization system (Level 2) for a continuous caster requires a well-coordinated teamwork between experts from the steel producer and the external partner providing the solution. If you can remote commission the system, then you significantly improve the flexibility during commissioning, avoid unproductive phases and enable experts from the whole world to connect as needed. But how does this work in practice? What are requirements for the project management and the IT infrastructure? How important is the teamwork and how important are the IT tools? This 45-minute webinar will provide answers to all these questions presenting a best practice example of caster process optimization solutions, which were successfully commissioned by Tata Steel IJmuiden and Primetals Technologies.


  • Casting Manager
  • Casting Maintenance Supervisors
  • Caster Metallurgist
  • Level-2-Engineers
  • Plant Manager
  • Automation Manager


  • Learn about requirements for remote commissioning of process optimization systems
  • Learn about the importance of teamwork and IT tools & infrastructure
  • Gain insights into a best practice example for the successful remote commissioning of process optimization solutions (level 2) at Tata Steel IJmuiden

Hans Pronk

BOS2 Steel Expert, Tata IJmuiden • Hans Pronk’s first task in a steel plant was hot metal pouring and raking. It all started more than 35 years ago, and he never left the impressive area of this steel plant. He grew up to a team leader at the vessels, secondary steel making and later on shift manager. Hans expanded his theoretical knowledge at school again to make the step to management functions in all the “liquid” area’s in the BOS plant including scrap, alloys, fluxes and consumables. Currently, he is a steelmaking expert and deputy operational manager at the BOS plant Tata Steel IJmuiden. His fun and energy come from the dynamics and diversity in his job and his contacts with steelmakers all over the world.

Ronald Buisman

Technical Project Manager, Tata IJmuiden • Ronald Buisman has more than 25 years’ experience in the electrics and automation of industrial plants. After his education as electrotechnical engineer, he gained a post HBO at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences in industrial automation and at a later stage obtained a master’s degree in information management. The first half of his business life, Ronald was responsible for the management of electrics, instrumentation, automation as well as IT services in the chemical industry. In 2008 he started as project manager at the BOS plant Tata Steel IJmuiden responsible for replacing process control systems. Since 2011 he is leading the BOS2 automation department. In this unique and impressive environment, Ronald is able to connect people, disciplines and systems to a level that everyone embraces the value “automation” brings for improving day to day work. Continuous improvement is what drives Ronald to get the best out of every new challenge.

Josef Weiss

Senior Project Manager, Primetals Technologies • Josef Weiss originally completed his education as electrotechnical engineer. Then Josef started 35 years ago as caster level 2 software developer in Asia, when automation made its first steps. During his career, he became project manager and project coordinator for process optimization projects (level 2) for casters and complete steel plants. So far, Josef was responsible for projects in Japan, Australia, Korea, China, South Africa, Brazil, US, Russia, Germany, Netherlands, Denmark, Finland and in even more countries. And after so many years, for him each project is still new, challenging and exciting.


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